Bright Riders School Dubai offers a unique international experience for all students with a special focus on developing 21st-century skills. We foster an appreciation for the diversity the world has to offer and provide an enriched educational program that incorporates diversity and inclusion as core values. Our aim is to ensure that no child is left behind and that all students, regardless of their background, have equal opportunities to receive a high-quality, holistic education free from discrimination, abuse, neglect, and exploitation. We believe that each child is unique in their style of learning and development.

Our Inclusion Policy provides clear guidelines for all school staff and stakeholders on effectively supporting potentially vulnerable groups of students, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), Gifted and Talented (G&T) students, learners of English as an Additional Language (EAL), and students at-risk or with General and/or Specific Learning Difficulties.

The policy ensures that students with diverse needs receive the support necessary to thrive in our inclusive environment. We adhere to the regulations stated in the Federal Law 29 (UAE) and the Dubai Inclusion Policy (2017). Admission for Students of Determination is not refused based on their need for extra support, additional needs, or special educational provision.

The policy also emphasizes the importance of partnership between the school and families to ensure the success of students with special needs. Families are expected to provide the school with relevant documentation, including assessment reports and recommendations, to facilitate the provision of the best support in the holistic learning journey of every student, as per KHDA guidelines.

The Inclusion Policy underscores our commitment to promoting a supportive and inclusive educational environment where every student can thrive and reach their full potential.

Figure Figure
  • Wellbeing Policy
  • Inclusive Education Policy